Monday, December 26, 2016

Soy libre, siempre lo fui.

Uno escribe cuando el corazón grita.

El 26 de Noviembre peregriné al Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, con el corazón ávido de un solo deseo. Con lágrimas en los ojos, en cada paso dado, le pedí a la virgen intercediera por ese deseo, por esa sola cosa que en los últimos 2 años le he pedido a Dios.

El mundo está lleno de cosas que realmente importan, gente con hambre, vidas lastimadas por la guerra, el dolor, la enfermedad… yo sé que mi vida es bendecida y que no soy digna de pedir nada más, yo lo sé. Aun así en mi corazón, durante los silencios de la noche y en la espera de estos años, yo le confiaba a Dios ese deseo profundo. Le pedía perdón por pedir tal banalidad, le agradecía tantas bendiciones y aun sabiendo que lo que pedía no era importante para este mundo, le confiaba mi más grande anhelo.

Hay errores que nos acompañan toda la vida, errores que nos marcan el corazón y que incluso cambian nuestro rumbo en la tierra. Mi error me cambió la vida, de no haber hecho lo que hice, de no haber elegido el camino que elegí, hoy no sería quién soy y no estaría aquí. Estaba dormida y desperté.  

Hay dolores que los traen las pérdidas de seres queridos, hay dolores que los traen las injusticias del mundo, la guerra, la enfermedad… y hay dolores que son de uno, que uno mismo se da. Ese dolor que viene de dentro, porque tú mismo lo infringiste, ese dolor es profundo… es tuyo, sólo tuyo y de nadie más. Cuando cierras los ojos y te preguntas por qué… cuando en tus silencios te reprochas… cuando aún en tu mejor día brotan lágrimas de arrepentimiento, culpa… ese dolor es de uno.

El 8 de Diciembre es el día de la Inmaculada Concepción, el día de su cumpleaños y un año exacto de que se inició el año de la misericordia. Ese día recibí la llamada que esperaba desde Noviembre del 2014.

…“eres una buena mujer y mereces ser feliz”, dijo con voz amorosa... y como hablándole a mi corazón y a ese dolor que no se había ido en años, finalizó: “quédate tranquila”.  

Dios es misericordioso y conoce nuestros corazones… no importa que tan pequeños seamos, que tan pequeño sea el deseo de nuestro ser, Él escucha nuestra voz.

Soy libre, siempre lo fui…

Saturday, January 16, 2016

On our anniversary

This is my gift to you, my dear… all that I am, all that I have is yours.
I am because of you.

Today my boyfriend and I celebrate a year of love. Today we celebrate that despite our differences, we cannot live without each other (yay!).

I have been debating for a while on which could be my gift to him on this special day and, I just couldn´t find anything suitable. It all seems so small right next to the greatness of his heart and the size of this love that I have for him. So I decided to write this... I want him to know why I love him so much.

You my dear, you complete me, you fill the empty spaces in my soul and complete the puzzle of my life. 

1. He cares about my heart, how it feels and, how warm or cold it is. When the dark days knock the door, he is there to keep me safe and to turn the light on… no darkness is allowed when I am with him.
2. He supports me on my plans, no matter how stupid or crazy they are, he motivates me to make them happen.
3. His heart is pure. For him, no evil resides on people´s hearts.
4. He is strong. He can take more than an army all together. No matter how hard life may get, he always has a smile, a positive thought and a plan to get out of the downhill.
5. He is straightforward. He never hesitates to say what comes to his mind…
6. He is smart. I don´t think I know anyone as smart as Mario when I comes to financials, the market behavior and the business he is in.
7. He is handsome. No further explanation needed here. :P
8. He is kind. I know he could give all his possessions away, to help others. For him everything is worth if it makes someone smile.
9. He is humble. No matter how much I or a person tells him how amazing he is, he still doubts that what we are saying is true.
10. His dance moves… oh well…
11. He listens… to every story I have to tell, to every emotion, situation, work matter, thought or random fact I have to say. God knows he listens, because when I tell him another random thing, he remembers the first one and gives me a comparative analysis of my thoughts.
12. He knows me better than I know myself at times…
13. He loves his family. He genuinely wants to be close to them and to know them better… He cares about them, he wants their hearts to be in peace and happy.
14. He is an amazing friend.
15. He is a happy and funny person. No day is a boring day with him in it :D
16. He is always under control… no matter how bad the situation may look, he never loses his temper.
17. He cherishes everyone around him, through affection, words of support or a loving hug.
18. He likes the fact that I am a nerd (wahooo!)
19. He encourages me to be better (because I am no perfect :P)
20. He teaches me about patience and about making good decisions (not in 30 seconds like I normally do lol)
21. He tells me how pretty I look, even when I am not wearing a drop of make up :,)
22. He celebrates my wins
23. He supports me in my failures and helps me find the learning out of every situation
24. He always say yes, whether is an invitation to pray, to a dance in the middle of a busy mall or to run under the rain... He always joins me when I am being silly, crazy or funny.
25. And most importantly he has God in his heart. And this is what makes him the most incredible man on earth. 

These are only 25 reasons why I love my Mario… and why I pray to God this is just the first of many years together. The truth is that I could write a thousand reasons why I love him, because in a heart his size the beautiful gifts God put on him are endless. 

Today I am thankful for what has been, for what has happened in our lives and hearts. May our path be full of joy, love and blessings.

I love you… with all that I have, all that I am and even further.
Happy anniversary.